Your professional Brand Designer is on Pangea — whenever you need, ready for any project. Match with the right freelance Brand Designer in minutes and get to work.
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Project Scope
The freelancer will create a primary logo for the client, including variations for different uses such as social media profiles and print materials. The deliverables will include the final logo in various formats (e.g., PNG, JPEG, SVG) and a basic brand style guide outlining color schemes, fonts, and logo usage. The freelancer will hold an initial meeting to understand the client's vision and brand personality. A couple of rounds of revisions will be included to ensure the final design meets the client's expectations. This project aims to give the client a strong visual foundation to build their brand on.
Project Scope
The freelancer will develop a comprehensive brand identity, starting with an in-depth consultation to define the client's brand values, voice, and visual style. Deliverables will include a detailed brand style guide with color palettes, typography, iconography, and imagery guidelines. The freelancer will also design essential business stationery items such as business cards, letterheads, and email signatures. A limited number of revision rounds for each item will be offered to refine the designs as needed. This project will ensure the client has cohesive branding across multiple touchpoints.
Project Scope
The freelancer will create a full brand identity package including an extensive brand style guide and multiple brand assets like business cards, letterheads, signage, and social media templates. Additionally, the freelancer will design a multi-page website that reflects the brand’s new identity, focusing on user experience and mobile responsiveness. The project also includes creating key marketing collateral such as brochures, flyers, and digital ad designs. Regular check-ins and revision rounds will ensure that each element meets the client’s needs and standards. This project aims to give the client a robust, professional brand presence both on and offline.
Pangea has thousands of Brand Design experts on our platform! Browse our private marketplace of talent to explore your options. We allow you to search for keywords or filter by role, availability, experience level, years of experience, rate, and location. If you have trouble finding the perfect Brand Design pro, our team of talent experts is here to help you get started!
Our AI talent search chatbot can help you find the right Brand Design expert for your needs. Either choose from common queries or enter your own search to get a match in seconds. We enrich the search with information about your company to find talent that’s worked in your industry. You can ask Pangea AI questions about your match’s experience or continue searching with additional criteria.
Creating an account, posting a job, and messaging talent is all completely free on Pangea! We charge industry-standard fees on all transactions facilitated by the platform.
When signing a contract with a Pangean, you have the option to use our standard contract & NDA or to provide your own. Our NDA covers most of our clients’ use cases while working with Brand Design professionals.
Our team screens profiles for quality, completeness, and experience level. In addition, we also handpick the top talent on our platform to help them find high-quality clients. This factors into the decisions our ranking and matching algorithms make to help find your the best match for your needs.
We’re always available to help answer questions and solve problems! You can chat with us through our website our send us an email. We’ve been rated highly on G2 and Product Hunt for our tenacity in finding clients the prefect fit the first time, and making things right if an engagement goes awry.