Top talent is on Pangea

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Daniel Goldman Perez

Product Manager • Montevideo, Montevideo Department, UY
Management Consulting
Product Development
Problem Solving
Available for hire fromNegotiable
Innovation Catalyst and Education Advocate
Ph.D. from the University of Life, I pursued studies in Mathematics and Game Theory at The Hebrew University. My educational journey also includes a degree in Architecture from IAHU. As the Chief Thinking Officer at InnMentor, I mentored and facilitated innovation, leading market growth and strengthening work teams. I served as a Startup Mentor, a Facilitator of Desaprendizaje and a member of the Partido Digital, contributing to a more transparent and participative democracy. My experience extends to roles such as a Lecturer of Innovation Development and Management at Univ. ORT and a Facilitator & Coach at SIT - Systematic Inventive Thinking® tools. My passion lies in innovation, problem-solving, and fostering ecosystems of innovation.




SIT tools




Work History


Chief Thinking Officer

InnMentorJan 2012 - Present • 12 yrs 9 mosMentor, facilitator as innovation catalyst for: Transformation support. New products and services development. Solve problems in a different, innovative and useful manner. Learn from success and tacit knowledge. Strategy and Business models innovation. Lead and accelerate market growth. Strengthen and master work teams. La empresa fue incubada y graduada en la incubadora ingenio del Latu por su impacto innovador en la generación de ecosistemas de innovación La empresa se dedica a desarrollo de capacidades de innovación in-House con el apoyo en transformación digital y desarrollo de proyectos ágiles

Lecturer of Innovation Development and Management

Universidad ORT UruguayNov 2014 - Present • 9 yrs 11 mosLecturer of Innovation Management. Lecturer in Postgraduate Continuous Innovation. Innovation workshop teacher. Development of systematic inventive thinking. Lateral thinking. Lean startup, and tools for problem solving as keys to innovation management and generation of innovation EcoSystem.

Facilitador de Desaprendizaje

NovaSapiensMay 2018 - Present • 6 yrs 5 mosDesaprender lo aprendido y ser líderes de cambio. Encuentra tu propósito, llena de brillo tus ojos; haz tu propio salto de fe. El modelo de innMentor enfocado en el Nova Sapiens para la innovación personal/profesional Todos podemos empezar un proceso interno de D354pr3nd1z4j3

Startup Mentor

IncubaelectroNov 2017 - Present • 6 yrs 11 mosMentor de innovación en productos, procesos, servicios, modelos de negocio, estrategia y resolución de problemas en ioT. Ideación, desarrollo y mapeo de Productos ioT. Resolución de problemas en el 360° del emprendimiento ioT Validaciones Lean, Prototipado de soluciones. Desarrollo y foco en MVP.

CIEO - Miembro fundador - Candidato a Presidente 2020-2025

Partido DigitalOct 2014 - Jul 2020 • 5 yrs 10 mosCIEO - chief innovation and entrepreneurship officer. Candidato a Presidente. Aportando para una democracia más transparente, ágil y participativa. Entre todos podemos activar el cambio.

Facilitador & Coach innovación

SIT - Systematic Inventive Thinking®Jun 2010 - May 2012 • 2 yrsFacilitador de la Metodología SIT, para Innovación. Mentor y Facilitador para LatAm. innovación en nuevos productos, servicios y procesos Investigación y desarrollo de modelos de Innovación social para la BdeP (BoP) Creación y desarrollo de Ecosistemas de innovación.

Solución de Problemas e Innovación

Ben Gurion UniversityAug 2011 - Nov 2011 • 4 mosDocente, estudiantes de Post-Grado en Ingeniería, metodología para la SdeP

Solución de Problemas

Tel Aviv UniversityMay 2011 - Jun 2011 • 2 mosDocente de talleres, Maestría en TRIZ y herramientas para solución de Problemas

Investigación y desarrollo - Metodología Aprendizaje de Éxitos

Myers-JDC-Brookdale InstituteApr 2008 - Sep 2010 • 2 yrs 6 mos*Investigación, desarrollo y práctica de la metodología Aprendizaje de Éxitos en desarrollo por Prof. Yona Rosenfeld, former director of the Hebrew Universitys School of Social Work. *Creador del algoritmo catalizador de la metodología




Ph.D en la Universidad de la vida, Según mis áreas de interés1981 - 2021

The Hebrew University

Msc. Studies, Mathematics, Game Theory1998 - 2005

Mir & Nahalat Tzvi Yeshiva

Grado en Pedagogía, Estudios Rabinicos1997 - 1999

IAHU - Instituto Ariel Hebreo Uruguayo

Bachiller, Arquitectura1984 - 1995

How Pangea Works

Effortlessly discover top talent

We’ve distilled the candidate search from endless hours down to just a few minutes. Using Pangea’s AI-powered search tools, you can find top fractional talent able to take on your next project. Our system looks at your company’s niche and your needs to find the perfect match faster than any traditional hiring platform.

Start working with talent today

The top talent on Pangea is ready to get started with you right now. You can message or hire a candidate right from their profile page and start assigning work as soon as they respond. And the best part? Pangea’s fractional contract structure lets you start small and ramp up as your needs change, keeping your costs manageable and your team’s capabliities flexible.

Track work and invoices in one place

Assign tasks, track progress, and complete invoices all on Pangea. We’ve combined every part of the hiring process into one platform to eliminate the miscommunication that’s unavoidable on other freelance platforms. We even send out 1099s to your contractors at the end of the year!

Talk with a Talent Expert

Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.
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Recently Active
Innovation Catalyst and Education Advocate
Ph.D. from the University of Life, I pursued studies in Mathematics and Game Theory at The Hebrew University. My educational journey also includes a degree in Architecture from IAHU. As the Chief Thinking Officer at InnMentor, I mentored and facilitated innovation, leading market growth and strengthening work teams. I served as a Startup Mentor, a Facilitator of Desaprendizaje and a member of the Partido Digital, contributing to a more transparent and participative democracy. My experience extends to roles such as a Lecturer of Innovation Development and Management at Univ. ORT and a Facilitator & Coach at SIT - Systematic Inventive Thinking® tools. My passion lies in innovation, problem-solving, and fostering ecosystems of innovation.

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Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.
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Top talent is on Pangea

You are viewing Daniel's profile as a guest. Book a free call with our team to discuss your options for hiring fractional workers on Pangea's industry-leading talent marketplace.

Daniel Goldman Perez

Product Manager • Montevideo, Montevideo Department, UY
Management Consulting
Product Development
Problem Solving
Available for hire fromNegotiable




SIT tools




Work History


Chief Thinking Officer

InnMentorJan 2012 - Present • 12 yrs 9 mosMentor, facilitator as innovation catalyst for: Transformation support. New products and services development. Solve problems in a different, innovative and useful manner. Learn from success and tacit knowledge. Strategy and Business models innovation. Lead and accelerate market growth. Strengthen and master work teams. La empresa fue incubada y graduada en la incubadora ingenio del Latu por su impacto innovador en la generación de ecosistemas de innovación La empresa se dedica a desarrollo de capacidades de innovación in-House con el apoyo en transformación digital y desarrollo de proyectos ágiles

Lecturer of Innovation Development and Management

Universidad ORT UruguayNov 2014 - Present • 9 yrs 11 mosLecturer of Innovation Management. Lecturer in Postgraduate Continuous Innovation. Innovation workshop teacher. Development of systematic inventive thinking. Lateral thinking. Lean startup, and tools for problem solving as keys to innovation management and generation of innovation EcoSystem.

Facilitador de Desaprendizaje

NovaSapiensMay 2018 - Present • 6 yrs 5 mosDesaprender lo aprendido y ser líderes de cambio. Encuentra tu propósito, llena de brillo tus ojos; haz tu propio salto de fe. El modelo de innMentor enfocado en el Nova Sapiens para la innovación personal/profesional Todos podemos empezar un proceso interno de D354pr3nd1z4j3

Startup Mentor

IncubaelectroNov 2017 - Present • 6 yrs 11 mosMentor de innovación en productos, procesos, servicios, modelos de negocio, estrategia y resolución de problemas en ioT. Ideación, desarrollo y mapeo de Productos ioT. Resolución de problemas en el 360° del emprendimiento ioT Validaciones Lean, Prototipado de soluciones. Desarrollo y foco en MVP.

CIEO - Miembro fundador - Candidato a Presidente 2020-2025

Partido DigitalOct 2014 - Jul 2020 • 5 yrs 10 mosCIEO - chief innovation and entrepreneurship officer. Candidato a Presidente. Aportando para una democracia más transparente, ágil y participativa. Entre todos podemos activar el cambio.

Facilitador & Coach innovación

SIT - Systematic Inventive Thinking®Jun 2010 - May 2012 • 2 yrsFacilitador de la Metodología SIT, para Innovación. Mentor y Facilitador para LatAm. innovación en nuevos productos, servicios y procesos Investigación y desarrollo de modelos de Innovación social para la BdeP (BoP) Creación y desarrollo de Ecosistemas de innovación.

Solución de Problemas e Innovación

Ben Gurion UniversityAug 2011 - Nov 2011 • 4 mosDocente, estudiantes de Post-Grado en Ingeniería, metodología para la SdeP

Solución de Problemas

Tel Aviv UniversityMay 2011 - Jun 2011 • 2 mosDocente de talleres, Maestría en TRIZ y herramientas para solución de Problemas

Investigación y desarrollo - Metodología Aprendizaje de Éxitos

Myers-JDC-Brookdale InstituteApr 2008 - Sep 2010 • 2 yrs 6 mos*Investigación, desarrollo y práctica de la metodología Aprendizaje de Éxitos en desarrollo por Prof. Yona Rosenfeld, former director of the Hebrew Universitys School of Social Work. *Creador del algoritmo catalizador de la metodología




Ph.D en la Universidad de la vida, Según mis áreas de interés1981 - 2021

The Hebrew University

Msc. Studies, Mathematics, Game Theory1998 - 2005

Mir & Nahalat Tzvi Yeshiva

Grado en Pedagogía, Estudios Rabinicos1997 - 1999

IAHU - Instituto Ariel Hebreo Uruguayo

Bachiller, Arquitectura1984 - 1995

How Pangea Works

Effortlessly discover top talent

We’ve distilled the candidate search from endless hours down to just a few minutes. Using Pangea’s AI-powered search tools, you can find top fractional talent able to take on your next project. Our system looks at your company’s niche and your needs to find the perfect match faster than any traditional hiring platform.

Start working with talent today

The top talent on Pangea is ready to get started with you right now. You can message or hire a candidate right from their profile page and start assigning work as soon as they respond. And the best part? Pangea’s fractional contract structure lets you start small and ramp up as your needs change, keeping your costs manageable and your team’s capabliities flexible.

Track work and invoices in one place

Assign tasks, track progress, and complete invoices all on Pangea. We’ve combined every part of the hiring process into one platform to eliminate the miscommunication that’s unavoidable on other freelance platforms. We even send out 1099s to your contractors at the end of the year!

Talk with a Talent Expert

Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.
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