Edwin Lopez
Experienced Full-Stack Engineer | Technology Enthusiast
With a Bachelor's degree from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, I have gained valuable knowledge and skills in the field of technology. My experience includes working as a Full-Stack Engineer at Serply, Inc., where I contributed to the development of innovative solutions. Prior to that, I served as a Senior Front End Engineer at EasyLlama, where I played a key role in creating user interface concepts and implementing marketing campaigns. Additionally, my experience as a Back End Developer at Aloca allowed me to collaborate on software architecture design and implementation of web applications. I have a strong background in front-end architecture, program suggestion, and interaction design best practices. My expertise also includes developing SPAs using GatsbyJS and integrating GraphQL API. My commitment to excellence and passion for technology have been integral to my professional journey.
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Experienced Full-Stack Engineer | Technology Enthusiast
With a Bachelor's degree from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, I have gained valuable knowledge and skills in the field of technology. My experience includes working as a Full-Stack Engineer at Serply, Inc., where I contributed to the development of innovative solutions. Prior to that, I served as a Senior Front End Engineer at EasyLlama, where I played a key role in creating user interface concepts and implementing marketing campaigns. Additionally, my experience as a Back End Developer at Aloca allowed me to collaborate on software architecture design and implementation of web applications. I have a strong background in front-end architecture, program suggestion, and interaction design best practices. My expertise also includes developing SPAs using GatsbyJS and integrating GraphQL API. My commitment to excellence and passion for technology have been integral to my professional journey.
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Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.Available Now
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Edwin Lopez
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Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.Available Now
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