Joydeep Roychowdhury
AWS | ArgoCD | Kubernetes | EKS | GKE | Docker | Terraform | Github Actions | CICD | Jenkins | Pulumi | Python
A devops architect by passion have architect-ed solutions on Cloud technologies (AWS,Azure,GCP) .
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AWS | ArgoCD | Kubernetes | EKS | GKE | Docker | Terraform | Github Actions | CICD | Jenkins | Pulumi | Python
A devops architect by passion have architect-ed solutions on Cloud technologies (AWS,Azure,GCP) .
Talk with a Talent Expert
Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.
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Supreet Vats
DevOps Engineer | Immediate Joiner | AWS | Linux | Git | Jenkins | GitHub Actions | Docker | Kubernetes | Helm | Ansible | Terraform | PythonArnav Kumar
Computer Science Graduate | DevOps EngineerVitalie Brinza
Experienced SRE | Infrastructure Automation ExpertJoydeep Roychowdhury
Talk with a Talent Expert
Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.
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