Manuela O.
Visual Artist and Graphic Web Designer
With a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design and Illustration from Open Window, I have honed my skills as a visual artist and graphic web designer. My experience includes working as a Senior Graphic Designer at Geolix, where I contributed to various projects. I also served as a Freelance Illustrator for the International Committee of the Red Cross, creating impactful visual content. My passion lies in using diverse mediums to express ideas and evoke emotions. My educational background and professional experience have equipped me to create compelling visual elements for websites and digital platforms.
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Visual Artist and Graphic Web Designer
With a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design and Illustration from Open Window, I have honed my skills as a visual artist and graphic web designer. My experience includes working as a Senior Graphic Designer at Geolix, where I contributed to various projects. I also served as a Freelance Illustrator for the International Committee of the Red Cross, creating impactful visual content. My passion lies in using diverse mediums to express ideas and evoke emotions. My educational background and professional experience have equipped me to create compelling visual elements for websites and digital platforms.
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Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.Available Now
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Manuela O.
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Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.Available Now
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Pangea empowers fractional work across the world for marketing and design roles.