McKenna Verno
Fashion Marketing Grad | Social Media Enthusiast
With a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Marketing and an Associate of Arts in Visual Communications from FIDM, I am passionate about the intersection of fashion and media. As a College Fashionista Community Member and Campus Trendsetters Community Member, I have honed my skills as a content creator and established connections with industry professionals. My experience as a Business Development Representative at SpotHopper and Social Media Intern at The Vow Whisperer has equipped me with a strong understanding of social media marketing and brand visibility. Additionally, my role as a Clinique On Campus Ambassador allowed me to creatively engage with my peers and promote the brand through events and social media. I am dedicated to leveraging my education and experience to make an impact in the fashion and media industry.
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Fashion Marketing Grad | Social Media Enthusiast
With a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Marketing and an Associate of Arts in Visual Communications from FIDM, I am passionate about the intersection of fashion and media. As a College Fashionista Community Member and Campus Trendsetters Community Member, I have honed my skills as a content creator and established connections with industry professionals. My experience as a Business Development Representative at SpotHopper and Social Media Intern at The Vow Whisperer has equipped me with a strong understanding of social media marketing and brand visibility. Additionally, my role as a Clinique On Campus Ambassador allowed me to creatively engage with my peers and promote the brand through events and social media. I am dedicated to leveraging my education and experience to make an impact in the fashion and media industry.
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Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.Available Now
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McKenna Verno
Talk with a Talent Expert
Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.Available Now
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