Winston Low (刘允胜)
T-shaped data-marketer skilled in paid media across Google Ads, YouTube & Facebook for Web & App based businesses across eCommerce & Travel.
I enjoy helping companies grow, problem solving, teaching & learning from others.
+ Based in Singapore (Asia)
+ Worked in startups & MNCS
+ Worked with teams from different countries & cultures.
+ Worked on both Web & App based companies.
I'm personally interested in
+ business/entrepreneurship (big fan of Shark Tank+
+ innovation & technology of improving our lives
+ soccer & personal finance.
In my (short) professional career till date, I've learnt that
- People work for people, not companies
- Ideas are great, but execution is everything
- We learn more from failures than success
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T-shaped data-marketer skilled in paid media across Google Ads, YouTube & Facebook for Web & App based businesses across eCommerce & Travel.
I enjoy helping companies grow, problem solving, teaching & learning from others.
+ Based in Singapore (Asia)
+ Worked in startups & MNCS
+ Worked with teams from different countries & cultures.
+ Worked on both Web & App based companies.
I'm personally interested in
+ business/entrepreneurship (big fan of Shark Tank+
+ innovation & technology of improving our lives
+ soccer & personal finance.
In my (short) professional career till date, I've learnt that
- People work for people, not companies
- Ideas are great, but execution is everything
- We learn more from failures than success
More about me >>
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Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.
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Winston Low (刘允胜)
Talk with a Talent Expert
Members of our team are available to help you speed through the hiring process.
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Pangea empowers fractional work across the world for marketing and design roles.