Hiring the perfect candidate can be stressful, but here are some bite sized tips from Pangea.app to kickstart the process.
Interviewing a freelancer can get tricky because your company is probably looking for a capable candidate who will also be working remote. The process – on both sides – can be daunting and its definitely something we have should talk about.
Watch Your Inbox & Actually Answer
Posting a position on Pangea.app isn’t going to get you anywhere unless you reach out to the candidates who have applied to the position. It may sound like common sense, but some clients post a listing and leave it up for months on end. You’re missing out on such amazing talent by doing that. And if you forget to check the app or you desktop, Pangea.app sends you emails – so keep an eye on your inbox.
Initiate an Interview
Arguably, Pangea.app couldn’t make the interview process easier for our clients if we wanted to. Once you get a proposal, you’ll be able to view the candidate’s cover letter and dive deeper into their profile. You can then shoot them a message and set up a discovery call to chat about the project. Thanks to our recent updates, you can even message freelancers without posting a job, and hire them right through messenger.
Want to make it more personal? Send your candidate a direct message through the app, asking them to connect further for an interview.
Keep It Simple
You probably have a pretty good idea of what your company is looking for in a candidate to fill the position. I say keep an open mind, but also keep the interview process realistic.
According to a poll conducted by Marina Krivonossova on LinkedIn, 57% of 1,794 respondents say they think an interview process with one or two steps is appropriate. Meantime, 40% say an interview with three or four steps is a solid direction to take.
How To Decide…
If the project is short term, there should be a relatively quick interview process that comes along with it. If the project is expected to last more than three months, the interview process should still be timely, but might come with a paid trial period. This way you can test out the candidate’s skills while also making sure it is a good fit for both parties.