10 Freelancing Memes That Are Sure to Hit Home

January 2, 2024
January 2, 2024

Whether you’re a full-time freelancer or are just searching for a side-hustle, working for yourself is a big responsibility.

Table of Contents

The freedoms freelancing affords are exciting and liberating, but it’s no walk in the park. If the freelance life is ever causing you stress or strife, just turn to this blog for some laughs and advice. 

Who’s In Charge Around Here?

As a freelancer, the buck starts and stops with you. You get to choose the projects you work on, but you’re also responsible for getting the job done on your own. Make sure not to take on more than you can handle so your work doesn’t suffer, and be sure to take your mental health into account

Embracing the Remote Work Lifestyle

Not only are remote employees and freelancers just as productive as onsite ones, studies show they’re happier and have a higher quality of life. Even so, with most freelance gigs being remote, it’s important to make sure you’re getting out for some fresh air and sunshine now and then. 

Speaking of Switching it Up

Adding to that last point, remote work doesn’t necessarily mean working from home! You can literally work from anywhere, so hit up your favorite cafe or park once and while to switch it up. This can supercharge your productivity and give your brain a break from the same old set up. 

A Common Freelancer Mistake

As a freelancer, you should already have a wealth of proven work experience you can leverage into getting clients. It’s common for prospective clients to request you to perform a try-out project before agreeing to work with you. This is entirely up to you, just know your time is likely better spent on gigs that pay

Talking Freelancer Taxes

Freelancers are independent contractors who are required to file 1099’s for all of their earnings. It’s easy to overlook this as that dough flows in throughout the year, but you should be paying your estimated taxes every quarter to avoid owing money. It’s a bummer, but it’s all in a day's work for us freelancers. 

Forgetting Freelancer Taxes

Moving on…how about a raise? As a freelancer, you dictate your rates. As you become more experienced as a freelancer and take on more and more clients, it’s perfectly reasonable to raise your rates. Platforms like Pangea.app also lessen their marketplace fees the more you earn, so it’s a win/win!

Out of “Office” Messages

When you finally get around to taking that hard-earned vacation, don’t forget to throw on your OOO message! Let current and potential clients know you’re taking a much-needed break and will get back to them when you return. If you’re in the midst of working with a client, always give them ample notice before hitting the road.

Avoid the PJ’s Once and a While

Working as a remote freelancer, it is far too tempting to just roll out of bed and get to work. Do yourself a favor…once and a while…and get dressed as if you’re going to work. You’ll find that you feel a bit more productive and…well…human-like. Don’t get us wrong, the ability to work in PJ’s is a plus, but it can’t hurt to get dressed up every now and then. 

Explaining Freelance to Your Family

One of the most dreaded questions freelancers face from non-clients is, “what do you do?” Many freelancers are well versed in multiple areas and offer a variety of services. When attempting to explain your career, the faces of your families may glaze over in confusion. That’s okay! Just tell them you’re in finance. We won’t tell.

Save Yourself on Fees with Pangea.app

All freelancing platforms have marketplace fees, but Pangea.app is one of the few who lessen your fees as you earn. If you’re experienced, apply to be a Pangea Pro and instantly receive the lowest marketplace fees of any freelancing platform out there. 

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