There’s a lot you didn’t learn in school about launching an independent career, managing your own company, and working in the fast-paced startup world.
Top Emerging Talent is moving to fill that knowledge gap. We comb through hundreds of applications every quarter to select the students who we believe will be the world’s newest top freelancers and self-starters. Once you’ve been accepted, the accelerator begins. Through a month-long set of technical bootcamps, our team will guide you from aspiring freelancer to confident career builder. couldn’t have gotten to where we are without the startup accelerator programs we participated in. From MassChallenge to Y Combinator, we’ve seen how support, structure, and a little push can make a huge difference when it comes to starting something new.
The idea behind Top Emerging Talent is to bring that same energy of world-renowned accelerators to the smallest start-ups– the individual freelancers who are kicking off their careers as their own bosses.
So what exactly does it look like to be in Top Emerging Talent? Once you’re in, you’re a part of our community. We’ll introduce you to your new family: the 1k (and counting) students who make up our Top Emerging Talent network. You’ll have constant access to this community through Slack and Pangea’s forum, so you never have to wait for feedback, advice, or opportunities to network with your like-minded peers.
In addition to a multi-national community of colleagues, you’ll have access to one-on-one mentorship with professional freelancers, founders, and clients who hire through We believe mentorship is key to breaking into the freelancing world. It’s hard to start something completely from scratch without blueprints from those who went before you, so we’ve curated a group of top-notch mentors to get you going.
Oh, and did I mention the jobs? If you’ve always wanted the opportunity to break into the ground floor of the world’s newest, cutting-edge startups, this is your place. We’re posting new jobs on our platform on a daily basis, most of which are opportunities to contribute to the foundations of young, scrappy companies and build something entirely unique.
This will all be tied together by a month-long workshop course, offered remotely via Zoom. Workshops take place on a weekly basis, and will be an opportunity for your entire Top Emerging Talent cohort to come together. We’ll get deep into the weeds of freelancing, independent career building, and developing your own business during these sessions. Once you complete all of the workshops, you’ll earn our coveted Top Emerging Talent Badge– a signal to all clients on our platform that you’re ready to take on professional experiences.
If your friends are always asking you to make graphics for them, if you’re an avid coder thinking about the next project to build, or even if you made an Instagram account for your dog that’s totally taking off, freelancing might be the next best step for you. We built TET so you could take a peek into this world of freelancing, at zero cost to you.